Procurecon Indirect West (past event)

September 15 - 17, 2014

Wigwam, Litchfield Park, AZ

Contact Us: 1.888.482.6012

Day 2: Tuesday, September 16, 2014

07:20 - 07:30 Capgemini Invite Only Breakfast: Transforming Operational Procurement in a Global Procurement Organization

Hosted By: Jennifer Grindle, Senior Manager Organization, Standards & Tools, DHL Global Business Services - Procurement Americas

Sponsored By: Capgemini

Pre-registration required. Please see the registration desk if you are interested in attending.

07:30 - 08:30 Registration and Breakfast

08:30 - 08:35 Welcome Remarks

08:35 - 08:45 Chairperson’s Opening Remarks

Tom Beaty, President and Chief Executive Officer at Insight Sourcing Group

Tom Beaty

President and Chief Executive Officer
Insight Sourcing Group

08:45 - 09:05 Opening Keynote: Incorporating Interwoven Trends In Business, Economics, And Government To Produce Unexpected Innovation

Global megatrends are producing changes in the world economy. Some of these trends impact directly on supply management (e.g. pressure on natural resources) while others first impact business models (e.g. changing consumer landscape) and then cascade down to supply management. This session will identify some of these external trends and help you understand how the interaction of trends, business models and supply strategies can lead to new opportunities for value creation.
Rob Handfield, Bank of America Professor of Supply Management, College of Management at North Carolina State University

Rob Handfield

Bank of America Professor of Supply Management, College of Management
North Carolina State University

The new role of procurement really became defined immediately after the global financial crisis as companies began drastically to implement severe cost cutting strategies yet still needed to remain competitive and retain a strong customer base. As parts of the world return to growth and procurement becomes more and more embedded within company operations, procurement leaders are now being asked to support their businesses to expand as the global economy begins to recover. The work has only just begun, and procurement must now innovate to keep their company competitive.
• When all unnecessary cost has been stripped out of the business, how can procurement leaders assist in branding and new product and market development?
• Moving on from cost savings: How can procurement add real value to business processes to increase competitive advantage?
• Aligning business goals with those in the C-Suite
• How important is stakeholder satisfaction in determining the value of a CPO?
• Can procurement become a steward for the business?
• Has procurement become so pigeonholed in its role, that credibility has diminished and aren’t seen as likely business innovators?
Tom Beaty, President and Chief Executive Officer at Insight Sourcing Group

Tom Beaty

President and Chief Executive Officer
Insight Sourcing Group

Carlos Dones, Commodity Head of Global Sourcing Organization at Applied Materials

Carlos Dones

Commodity Head of Global Sourcing Organization
Applied Materials

Frank Scharadin, Executive Director of Global Procurement at MGM Resorts International

Frank Scharadin

Executive Director of Global Procurement
MGM Resorts International

Anu Gardiner, Senior Director Of Procurement at DocuSign

Anu Gardiner

Senior Director Of Procurement

Shaz Khan, Chief Strategy Officer & Co-Founder at Vroozi

Shaz Khan

Chief Strategy Officer & Co-Founder

CPO Network (limited to 25 CPOs & Global Heads of Indirect with $1B revenue)

09:05 - 09:45 Session 1: Becoming A Better CPO
• How can the CPO change the image of procurement? What nuances or new dimensions can the CPO introduce?
• Getting past the “procurement” stigma—how to become the next CEO or CMO
• Does procurement’s reporting structure need to change?
• Getting (or maintaining) the executive support you need to succeed
• The CPO as strategist- using data and market intelligence to drive greater efficiency
• Identifying and communicating the ROI that procurement is delivering to the business
• Could communication with stakeholders be improved?
• Where are you locating additional sources of innovation?
Suzanne Harris, VP Strategic Sourcing and Procurement at First American Title

Suzanne Harris

VP Strategic Sourcing and Procurement
First American Title

General Session

09:45 - 10:15 Special Presentation: Communicating Up, Down and Sideways (Part 2)
Procurement no longer operates in isolation, and must now interface with many facets within the organization in order to be effective. Influence can be gained and lost through communication, whether it’s managing up to the C-suite, down through the procurement supply chain, or across to internal customers. It’s imperative that you know how to effectively communicate with the varying personalities you encounter to ensure that procurement achieves its goals.
Doug Spence, Founder & Managing Partner at Spence Associates

Doug Spence

Founder & Managing Partner
Spence Associates

CPO Network (limited to 25 CPOs & Global Heads of Indirect from $1B revenue cos.)

09:45 - 10:15 Session 1: Becoming A Better CPO (continued)
• How can the CPO change the image of procurement? What nuances or new dimensions can the CPO introduce?
• Getting past the “procurement” stigma—how to become the next CEO or CMO
• Does procurement’s reporting structure need to change?
• Getting (or maintaining) the executive support you need to succeed
• The CPO as strategist- using data and market intelligence to drive greater efficiency
• Identifying and communicating the ROI that procurement is delivering to the business
• Could communication with stakeholders be improved?
• Where are you locating additional sources of innovation?
Suzanne Harris, VP Strategic Sourcing and Procurement at First American Title

Suzanne Harris

VP Strategic Sourcing and Procurement
First American Title

General Session

10:15 - 10:35 Drive Continuous Value to Your Procurement Organization
Procurement has evolved drastically in recent years, becoming far more strategic. A key enabler of this transformation has been technology, driven by business networks and integrated solutions, which have freed capacity for higher level work. Hear from Caesars Entertainment about how they implemented strategic source-to-pay processes to drive more value aligned to their companies' strategic objectives. And keep your organizational momentum with truly integrated processes for spend management.

Sundar Kamakshisundaram

Senior Director, Solutions Marketing

Stephen Sinnott

Purchasing Operations Manager
Caesars Entertainment

CPO Network (limited to 25 CPOs & Global Heads of Indirect from $1B revenue cos.)

10:15 - 10:35 Session 1: Becoming A Better CPO (continued)
• How can the CPO change the image of procurement? What nuances or new dimensions can the CPO introduce?
• Getting past the “procurement” stigma—how to become the next CEO or CMO
• Does procurement’s reporting structure need to change?
• Getting (or maintaining) the executive support you need to succeed
• The CPO as strategist- using data and market intelligence to drive greater efficiency
• Identifying and communicating the ROI that procurement is delivering to the business
• Could communication with stakeholders be improved?
• Where are you locating additional sources of innovation?
Suzanne Harris, VP Strategic Sourcing and Procurement at First American Title

Suzanne Harris

VP Strategic Sourcing and Procurement
First American Title

10:35 - 11:10 Networking Break

More women and Generation Y are in the procurement workforce than ever before. Many of them are poised to move into leadership positions if they haven’t done so already, and it’s imperative that your business adapt its communication styles and processes to what they perceive as indicators of success.
• How should you determine what is “Core” to your success? What should be kept and what will need revamping?
• What communication changes will be needed to coexist with the stakeholders?
• What types of relationship skills do you need to build or change without getting bogged down in the minutia?
• Do mentoring programs work? How about reverse mentoring, or integrated/ interactive mentoring?
• Encouraging usage of the critical thinking skills they bring to the tale table
• Overcoming compensation concerns (Salary, Stock, Bonus)
• How do you manage a team where work-life balance is important?

Craig Demarest, Senior Director, Chief of Procurement at RJ Reynolds

Craig Demarest

Senior Director, Chief of Procurement
RJ Reynolds

Eileen McCulloch, Executive Director, Network for Value Chain Excellence at Arizona State University

Eileen McCulloch

Executive Director, Network for Value Chain Excellence
Arizona State University

Evan Davis, Sourcing Execution Analyst at MeadWestvaco Corporation

Evan Davis

Sourcing Execution Analyst
MeadWestvaco Corporation

Maria Gaglio, Supply Chain Manager at Raytheon Missile Systems

Maria Gaglio

Supply Chain Manager
Raytheon Missile Systems

CPO Network (limited to 25 CPOs & Global Heads of Indirect from $1B revenue cos.)

11:10 - 11:50 Session 2: Mitigating Supply Disruption By Implementing A Comprehensive Risk Management Program
Making sure your goods and services reach your customers in a timely manner is paramount to your organization’s viability. But what happens if there’s a disruption? Is your supply chain equipped to identify disruptions and adapt quickly to minimize the impact? During this discussion, you will identify risks that could impact your supply chain; understand the criticality of having a risk management program in place; and design a comprehensive program to mitigate future supply risks.
• How to measure, monitor and mitigate risks through a comprehensive risk management process
• Building a matrix to categorize the types and probability of risks and their potential impact: natural disaster, geopolitical, export/import trade, regulatory, and more
• Risk is often mitigated with some combination of excess inventory, time, or resources. Which is the most important and how do your suppliers optimize this buffer?
• At what point do you alert the CFO if there are problems?
Rubik Babakanian, Senior Vice President and Chief Procurement Officer at Western Digital Corp

Rubik Babakanian

Senior Vice President and Chief Procurement Officer
Western Digital Corp

General Session

11:50 - 12:10 Procurement Success: Where Do You Rank?
As a procurement professional, how do you ultimately measure success? What are the critical KPIs to consider when setting your goals? How do these compare to how other companies are performing? Attend this session to learn how top procurement organizations are defining and measuring success, and how the role of procurement is evolving. Featuring research from the publishers of CPO Rising and data from The Coupa Benchmark, Coupa's exclusive report of industry metrics.

Presented by Coupa
Amit Duvedi, Vice President of Business Strategy at Coupa

Amit Duvedi

Vice President of Business Strategy

CPO Network (limited to 25 CPOs & Global Heads of Indirect from $1B revenue cos.)

11:50 - 12:10 Session 2: Mitigating Supply Disruption By Implementing A Comprehensive Risk Management Program (continued)
Making sure your goods and services reach your customers in a timely manner is paramount to your organization’s viability. But what happens if there’s a disruption? Is your supply chain equipped to identify disruptions and adapt quickly to minimize the impact? During this discussion, you will identify risks that could impact your supply chain; understand the criticality of having a risk management program in place; and design a comprehensive program to mitigate future supply risks.
• How to measure, monitor and mitigate risks through a comprehensive risk management process
• Building a matrix to categorize the types and probability of risks and their potential impact: natural disaster, geopolitical, export/import trade, regulatory, and more
• Risk is often mitigated with some combination of excess inventory, time, or resources. Which is the most important and how do your suppliers optimize this buffer?
• At what point do you alert the CFO if there are problems?
Rubik Babakanian, Senior Vice President and Chief Procurement Officer at Western Digital Corp

Rubik Babakanian

Senior Vice President and Chief Procurement Officer
Western Digital Corp

General Session

12:10 - 12:20 Innovation Spotlight: How Freelancer Management Systems Change Everything

Jonathan Diller

VP, Enterprise Solutions

CPO Network (limited to 25 CPOs & Global Heads of Indirect from $1B revenue cos.)

12:10 - 12:20 Session 2: Mitigating Supply Disruption By Implementing A Comprehensive Risk Management Program (continued)
Making sure your goods and services reach your customers in a timely manner is paramount to your organization’s viability. But what happens if there’s a disruption? Is your supply chain equipped to identify disruptions and adapt quickly to minimize the impact? During this discussion, you will identify risks that could impact your supply chain; understand the criticality of having a risk management program in place; and design a comprehensive program to mitigate future supply risks.
• How to measure, monitor and mitigate risks through a comprehensive risk management process
• Building a matrix to categorize the types and probability of risks and their potential impact: natural disaster, geopolitical, export/import trade, regulatory, and more
• Risk is often mitigated with some combination of excess inventory, time, or resources. Which is the most important and how do your suppliers optimize this buffer?
• At what point do you alert the CFO if there are problems?
Rubik Babakanian, Senior Vice President and Chief Procurement Officer at Western Digital Corp

Rubik Babakanian

Senior Vice President and Chief Procurement Officer
Western Digital Corp

12:20 - 13:30 Luncheon For All Attendees

12:20 - 13:30 Private Boardroom Luncheon Hosted by ZeroChaos

Barry Shields

Sourcing Business Partner, Global Sourcing Services (GSS)

Track A: Executing Procurement Fundamentals

13:30 - 13:50 Building a Business Case for Strategic Meetings Management
Obtaining internal buy-in for a Strategic Meeting Management program can be a daunting mission. Additionally, identifying the need for such a program can lead to factoring in different variables. This includes the justification and impacts for an SMM program such as assumptions, costs, benefits, ROI and addressing possible risks if a program is not implemented at all. Join this interactive discussion with our subject matter expert, who will explore some of the common best practices on getting a program started from the ground up. We’ll also provide valuable case studies from notable organizations that have gone through this initiative first hand.
In this session attendees will learn how to:
  • Determine the drivers behind your meetings program
  • Analyze and outline their organizations’ current situation
  • Identify resources that will be needed to implement a SMM program
  • Draft an effective business case and obtain an executive-level sponsor

Becca Bicer

Executive, Enterprise Sales

Track B: Optimizing Procurement Transformation

13:30 - 13:50 Managing Contingent & SOW Based Labor
Description: Use of non-employee’s as contractors and to perform services work is often one of the costliest and most risk intensive spend categories for large Corporations. This 20 minute fast paced session will overview the market, define the problem and introduce you to solutions that include a unique supplier funded model which requires no Cap-Ex. Come see why SAP recently acquired Fieldglass to establish a foothold in this critically important and hyper growth Procurement and HR oriented market segment.

Michael Barney

VP Business Development

CPO Network (limited to 25 CPOs & Global Heads of Indirect from $1B revenue cos.)

13:30 - 13:50 Session 3: Extracting Information From Multiple Sources And Using Procurement Analytics To Convert Data Into Intelligence
Everyone is looking at ways to make their spend management processes even more efficient. However, as companies amassed large amounts of data over the years, the challenges associated with categorizing data and making it meaningful have also grown. What type of framework do you need to create to overcome your data problem? Are there any tools that can talk to your current systems? Are there cultural or political hurdles you must first overcome? Can your data even be trusted? Do the codes align to real business functions? How much human analysis do you need to allocate to clean your data? Talk through the headaches you are facing to master your data.

Tommy Greer, Vice President, Enterprise Energy Solutions at Insight Sourcing Group

Tommy Greer

Vice President, Enterprise Energy Solutions
Insight Sourcing Group

As procurement works to have more spend under management, convincing business units to give up control is one of today’s biggest headaches, especially in non-mandated environments. So, how can you sell procurement and create a campaign to build credibility and showcase the value you can add to their unit? Where do you begin to build and foster relationships with internal stakeholders? What types of collaborative efforts can you implement to work with them instead of against them? What are the best approaches to take against reluctant stakeholders? How do you reinforce the importance of “playing your position”?
Jeff Danis, Vice President of Strategic Sourcing at Pinnacle Entertainment Inc

Jeff Danis

Vice President of Strategic Sourcing
Pinnacle Entertainment Inc

Joel Huntington, Senior Vice President, Procurement Services at Zions Bancorporation

Joel Huntington

Senior Vice President, Procurement Services
Zions Bancorporation

Teresa Rausch, Director, Strategic Sourcing and Contract Management at Douglas County School District

Teresa Rausch

Director, Strategic Sourcing and Contract Management
Douglas County School District

Joseph Carter

Avnet Professor of Supply Chain Management, Associate Dean, W.P. Carey Scho
Arizona State University

Track B: Optimizing Procurement Transformation

13:50 - 14:30 Panel Discussion: Maximizing Stakeholder Engagement To Drive Collaboration And Savings
When you’re responsible for setting strategy, sourcing suppliers, and realizing savings but don’t own the scope or the budget, how can you contribute to bring value to your internal customers?
  • Improving connections with stakeholders to locate untapped sources of value
  • Changing processes to better align with your customers’ business model
  • Working with stakeholders to managing savings to budget- should the savings be shared with the business unit?
  • Encouraging contract compliance
  • How procurement can become a trusted advisor
Peter Manni, Vice President-Global Strategic Sourcing at PTC

Peter Manni

Vice President-Global Strategic Sourcing

Michelle Hawkins, Vice President Procurement at Charter Communications, Inc.

Michelle Hawkins

Vice President Procurement
Charter Communications, Inc.

Dominic Wong, Director, Global Sourcing & Procurement at Russell Investments

Dominic Wong

Director, Global Sourcing & Procurement
Russell Investments

CPO Network (limited to 25 CPOs & Global Heads of Indirect from $1B revenue cos.)

13:50 - 14:30 Session 3: Extracting Information From Multiple Sources And Using Procurement Analytics To Convert Data Into Intelligence (Continued)
Everyone is looking at ways to make their spend management processes even more efficient. However, as companies amassed large amounts of data over the years, the challenges associated with categorizing data and making it meaningful have also grown. What type of framework do you need to create to overcome your data problem? Are there any tools that can talk to your current systems? Are there cultural or political hurdles you must first overcome? Can your data even be trusted? Do the codes align to real business functions? How much human analysis do you need to allocate to clean your data? Talk through the headaches you are facing to master your data.

Tommy Greer, Vice President, Enterprise Energy Solutions at Insight Sourcing Group

Tommy Greer

Vice President, Enterprise Energy Solutions
Insight Sourcing Group

Track A: Executing Procurement Fundamentals

14:30 - 14:50 Achieving Success Through Consistent Application Of Core Procurement Competencies
•Are you using the right performance metrics to get the results you need- cost savings, spend reduction and events per FTE
•Taking credit for success — How is procurement success communicated across the organization?
•Standardizing processes and procedures across the organization •Executing strategies to close the gaps
Sheraz Kashif, Sr. Procurement Manager Indirect & Logistics, Procurement & Sustainability at Mondelez International

Sheraz Kashif

Sr. Procurement Manager Indirect & Logistics, Procurement & Sustainability
Mondelez International

Track B: Optimizing Procurement Transformation

14:30 - 14:50 Connecting Silos Across The Enterprise

Nancy Jorgensen, Director, Indirect Sourcing and Corporate Alliances at Brunswick Corporation

Nancy Jorgensen

Director, Indirect Sourcing and Corporate Alliances
Brunswick Corporation

CPO Network (limited to 25 CPOs & Global Heads of Indirect from $1B revenue cos.)

14:30 - 14:50 Session 3: Extracting Information From Multiple Sources And Using Procurement Analytics To Convert Data Into Intelligence (continued)
Everyone is looking at ways to make their spend management processes even more efficient. However, as companies amassed large amounts of data over the years, the challenges associated with categorizing data and making it meaningful have also grown. What type of framework do you need to create to overcome your data problem? Are there any tools that can talk to your current systems? Are there cultural or political hurdles you must first overcome? Can your data even be trusted? Do the codes align to real business functions? How much human analysis do you need to allocate to clean your data? Talk through the headaches you are facing to master your data.

Tommy Greer, Vice President, Enterprise Energy Solutions at Insight Sourcing Group

Tommy Greer

Vice President, Enterprise Energy Solutions
Insight Sourcing Group

Track A: Executing Procurement Fundamentals

14:50 - 15:10 Presentation by Pontoon

Buffy White


Scott Brewer

VP Service Practice

Track B: Optimizing Procurement Transformation

14:50 - 15:10 Are You Paving The Cow Path – Revisiting P2P
Have you seen where an organization will embrace, buy, and implement a technology that is design to improve a process flow only to see that “output” driven back into “old” systems and processes, rendering all the efforts null? That’s called “Paving The Cow Path”. This discussion is a high level informative “thinking” session around your P2P and how the output to payments matter in today’s environment.

Kenneth G. Sebastian

Director - Commercial Business
Visa Inc.

15:10 - 15:45 Networking Break

For the next hour, enjoy a glass of wine recommended by one of the Wigwam’s renowned sommeliers. This is your opportunity to chat with your peers on anything else that might be top of mind right now, because we know that your business is never static.
Table 1: Drive Continuous Value to Your Procurement Organization
Hosted by: Sundar Kamakshisundaram, Senior Director, Solutions Marketing, Ariba

Table 2: In-Depth: Procurement Success: Where Do You Rank?
Hosted by: Amit Duvedi, Vice President - Business Strategy, Coupa

Table 3: Building a Business Case for Strategic Meetings Management
Hosted by: Lisa Palmeri, Senior Director, SMM Professional Services, cVent

Table 4: The Future Of Contract Management… Are You Prepared?
Hosted by: Constantine Limberakis, Director – Sales and Marketing Enablement, Iasta

Table 5: Statement of Work Program Best Practices
Hosted by: Buffy White, SVP, Global Account Management, Pontoon
Scott Brewer, VP Service Practice, Pontoon

Table 6: The Power Of Collaboration With Stakeholders and End Users To Achieve Double Digit Savings
Hosted by: Laura Lee, VP Procurement USA, CEMEX

Table 7: In-Depth: Achieving Success Through Consistent Application Of Core Procurement Competencies
Hosted by: Sheraz Kashif, Sr. Procurement Manager Indirect, Logistics & Telecom North America, Mondelez International

Table 8: Fieldglass
Hosted by: Michael Barney, VP Business Development, Fieldglass

Table 9: In-Depth: Are You Paving The Cow Path – Revisiting P2P
Hosted by: Kenneth G. Sebastian, Director - Commercial Business, Visa Inc.

Table 10: The Challenges Companies Face With MRO Spend
Hosted by: John Kronenwetter, VP of Strategic Accounts, SDI

Table 11: In-Depth: Connecting Silos Across The Enterprise
Hosted by: Nancy Jorgensen, Director, Indirect Sourcing and Corporate Alliances, Brunswick Corporation

Table 12: Consortium Buying And GPOs: Benefits And Drawbacks
Hosted by: Quave Burton, VP Global Expense Management, Abercrombie & Fitch

Constantine Limberakis

Director of Sales and Marketing Enablement

Nancy Jorgensen, Director, Indirect Sourcing and Corporate Alliances at Brunswick Corporation

Nancy Jorgensen

Director, Indirect Sourcing and Corporate Alliances
Brunswick Corporation

Sheraz Kashif, Sr. Procurement Manager Indirect & Logistics, Procurement & Sustainability at Mondelez International

Sheraz Kashif

Sr. Procurement Manager Indirect & Logistics, Procurement & Sustainability
Mondelez International

Quave Burton, VP Global Expense Management at Abercrombie & Fitch

Quave Burton

VP Global Expense Management
Abercrombie & Fitch

Kenneth G. Sebastian

Director - Commercial Business
Visa Inc.

Amit Duvedi, Vice President of Business Strategy at Coupa

Amit Duvedi

Vice President of Business Strategy

Michael Barney

VP Business Development

Sundar Kamakshisundaram

Senior Director, Solutions Marketing

Becca Bicer

Executive, Enterprise Sales

John Kronenwetter

VP of Strategic Accounts

Laura Lee, VP Procurement USA at Cemex

Laura Lee

VP Procurement USA

Buffy White


Scott Brewer

VP Service Practice

15:45 - 16:45 Session 4: Free Flow

For the next hour, enjoy a glass of wine recommended by one of the Wigwam’s renowned sommeliers. This is your opportunity to chat with your peers on anything else that might be top of mind right now, because we know that your business is never static.

Track A: Executing Procurement Fundamentals

16:45 - 17:25 What They Don’t Tell You About Software Sales
To fully understand what happens on the sales side of a purchase, you need to have sold. Most people working in procurement rarely include sales as part of their career path. As a result, they miss out on gaining a unique perspective that will ultimately make them stronger procurement professionals. Once you have insight into the inner workings of the sales process, you will be able to better arm yourself to obtain the best pricing and terms for your organization. In this presentation, attendees will learn about the side of sales they don't see:
  • What sales execs are taught to build trust
  • How a sales organization gathers data & builds leverage
  • How they approach a contract negotiation
  • How sales teams are compensated

Emon Sobhan, Senior Director - IS Procurement at Ingram Micro

Emon Sobhan

Senior Director - IS Procurement
Ingram Micro

Track B: Optimizing Procurement Transformation

16:45 - 17:25 Panel: Resolving Conflict Between Your Suppliers And Your Stakeholders
Sometimes a perfectly capable supplier or vendor has lost the support of the stakeholders it serves. As the sourcing expert, how do you handle the conflicts that arise? What mediation strategies should you employ to work out a win-win for both parties? Conversely, if a great supplier isn’t delivering the promised savings, how should you convince your stakeholders to make the switch? What happens in a stalemate situation?
Beatrice Walker, Director, Global Indirect Procurement at Asurion

Beatrice Walker

Director, Global Indirect Procurement

Rudy Lim, Director Global Procurement at Colliers International

Rudy Lim

Director Global Procurement
Colliers International

Josh Clark, Director of Global Procurement at W.W. Grainger, Inc.

Josh Clark

Director of Global Procurement
W.W. Grainger, Inc.

CPO Network (limited to 25 CPOs & Global Heads of Indirect from $1B revenue cos.)

16:45 - 17:25 Session 5: Making The Next CPO: Constructing A Professional Development Program To Attract, Motivate And Retain Junior Talent (continued)
How does a company nurture future leadership and establish a CPO? An ideal professional development program should be designed not just to motivate your team, but also to retain them to eventually move into leadership roles. Junior level positions are only now held for an average of 2.5 years and automation and technology have altered the skillsets needed for junior talent, making the costs of training and retaining future leaders even more valuable. How can you motivate, challenge and inspire young talent and nourish them to deliver breakthrough performance?
• What does the supply chain profession look like for young talent coming out of the best schools?
• What does an ideal procurement or supply chain internship program look like?
• Should we even change our interviewing skills?
• Talent recruitment is now global: What unique talent recruitment challenges exist?
• Motivation strategies for navigating an often slow moving corporate culture
• KPI and performance measurement
• How to identify potential high performers and groom them
Frederic Khalil, Chief Procurement Officer at The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America

Frederic Khalil

Chief Procurement Officer
The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America

Track A: Executing Procurement Fundamentals

17:25 - 18:00 Managing The Post-Savings Hangover: Approaches To Reinventing Procurement
Once the opportunities for cost savings have diminished to close to zero, how can procurement adapt to the new reality? What are you doing now that couldn’t be conceived of two years ago, and how can you use that hindsight to forecast what you’ll be doing tomorrow? Does it make sense to look at procurement from an analyst perspective to develop new procurement processes? In this joint presentation, you’ll get two very distinct viewpoints on what to do once the savings have been squeezed out.
Cheryl Shelton, Director of Corporate Purchasing at InnovAge

Cheryl Shelton

Director of Corporate Purchasing

Track B: Optimizing Procurement Transformation

17:25 - 18:00 Presentation: Sourcing And Procurement’s Role In M&A
A key benefit touted in the media following a merger announcement is the savings that will be realized. What role should the CPO play in taking control of the savings? How has sourcing’s role evolved in M&A over the years, and how will it work in the future? What happens post-merger: can the same sourcing strategies be effective in other parts of the organization? How do you determine who’s processes, policies and contract to keep? What about talent? How do you wind down contracts in an acquisition or divestiture?
Bradley Bulger, Manager, Global Purchasing Market & Industry Intelligence at Xerox

Bradley Bulger

Manager, Global Purchasing Market & Industry Intelligence

CPO Network (limited to 25 CPOs & Global Heads of Indirect from $1B revenue cos.)

17:25 - 18:00 Session 5: Making The Next CPO: Constructing A Professional Development Program To Attract, Motivate And Retain Junior Talent (continued)
How does a company nurture future leadership and establish a CPO? An ideal professional development program should be designed not just to motivate your team, but also to retain them to eventually move into leadership roles. Junior level positions are only now held for an average of 2.5 years and automation and technology have altered the skillsets needed for junior talent, making the costs of training and retaining future leaders even more valuable. How can you motivate, challenge and inspire young talent and nourish them to deliver breakthrough performance?
• What does the supply chain profession look like for young talent coming out of the best schools?
• What does an ideal procurement or supply chain internship program look like?
• Should we even change our interviewing skills?
• Talent recruitment is now global: What unique talent recruitment challenges exist?
• Motivation strategies for navigating an often slow moving corporate culture
• KPI and performance measurement
• How to identify potential high performers and groom them
Frederic Khalil, Chief Procurement Officer at The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America

Frederic Khalil

Chief Procurement Officer
The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America

18:00 - 23:59 ProcureCon Powwow On The Lawn Hosted by Zycus

After a busy day of solution-focused sessions, relax with fellow speakers and attendees. Take advantage of the opportunity to network and share ideas off-line under the desert sunset.