Procurecon Indirect West (past event)

September 15 - 17, 2014

Wigwam, Litchfield Park, AZ

Contact Us: 1.888.482.6012


State of Indirect Procurement

The ProcureCon Team created this report from a survey of more than 65 practitioners from national and multinational corporations from companies like BP and Wells Fargo, all of whom filled out the survey while in attendance at the ProcureCon Indirect West event last September. See how your firm compares to your peers and competitors by viewing the results throughout this report.

New B2B Payment Technologies

Today’s Virtual and Purchasing Card programs can unlock new value for B2B procurement departments. In this white paper, MasterCard CPO Deborah Stanton explores those benefits.

Contingent Workforce Trends Report

For the 7th year in a row, ProcureCon Indirect, the leading event for innovation in Indirect Procurement Transformation and Category Management, surveyed its audience of attendees to uncover trends and challenges surrounding contingent workforce management. Download the full report and determine how your own firm stacks up against other procurement institutions making strides in contingent workforce management.

The Procurement Organization of the Future

“If you’re not leveraging your supplier’s resources, your competition is,” says Bob Hellem, VP, Indirect Procurement, ConAgra Foods Inc. His point is just one of the many topics discussed in the exclusive ProcureCon/Emptoris whitepaper below, which outlines the elements that will continue to define the procurement professional of the future. As Hellem states, one very important distinction of today and tomorrow’s procurement professional is the fact that s/he must understand how to get more out of the supplier than a quote. The whitepaper was compiled from a VIP luncheon organized by ProcureCon and hosted by Emptoris, which brought together procurement officers from companies like Boeing, Cushman & Wakefield, Paramount Pictures, The Home Depot and more. Download the whitepaper to find out how the procurement professional will continue to change and what you must know to keep up.

Broadening the CPO Mandate Through Procurement BPO

In every discussion we have regarding extending the scope of procurement’s responsibility, chief procurement officers (CPOs) face the same three questions: How will your customers and procurement staff collaborate? Do your procurement professionals have sufficient category expertise to add value? Are there enough skilled procurement professionals within the team to handle the volume of buying? Until recently, the answers to these questions have been routine: policy, process, technology, hiring, and training. However, the reality of execution is more complex.  Click the image to the left to access the full results.

CPO Rising 2014 Convergence by Ardent Partners and Hubwoo

This independent research report seeks to present a comprehensive, industry-wide view into what is happening in the world of procurement today by drawing on the experience, performance, and perspective of 273 Chief Procurement Officers and other procurement executives. Click the image on the left to download the PDF.

Cost Management

According to Roy Anderson, former CPO, State Street Bank, the next generation of procurement may move strategic sourcing to a third party because the skill sets within procurement are driving toward holistic program management and value-based sourcing. In this video interview, he explores the new standard skill sets that he thinks procurement professionals must have today. The question has now become "are you good enough to ask the right questions?" Click on the image at left to watch the video.

No Business is an Island

This report, written by The Economist Intelligence Unit and sponsored by Ariba, an SAP company, is based on a survey of 281 executives based in EMEA, from organisations with at least $500 million in revenue and from across business functions. It also incorporates in-depth interviews with experts and practitioners with knowledge of how businesses collaborate with one another. Click the image to the left to download the report.

What's New in Spend Management

Spend management encompasses the entire purchasing lifecycle-from sourcing goods and selecting suppliers to setting up contracts and paying suppliers-and helps buyers take a holistic view of procurement from a competitive vantage point. To be successful at spend management, procurement teams must first understand the oragnization's spend. We look specifically at the office products category with an interview with a Chief Procurement Officer on the value her team is generating from strategically managing this spend. Click the image to the left to download