Procurecon Indirect West (past event)

September 15 - 17, 2014

Wigwam, Litchfield Park, AZ

Contact Us: 1.888.482.6012

Emon Sobhan, Senior Director - IS Procurement at Ingram Micro

Emon Sobhan

Senior Director - IS Procurement
Ingram Micro

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Emon.

Download The Latest Agenda

Day 2: Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Thursday, April 9th, 2015

16:45 What They Don’t Tell You About Software Sales

To fully understand what happens on the sales side of a purchase, you need to have sold. Most people working in procurement rarely include sales as part of their career path. As a result, they miss out on gaining a unique perspective that will ultimately make them stronger procurement professionals. Once you have insight into the inner workings of the sales process, you will be able to better arm yourself to obtain the best pricing and terms for your organization. In this presentation, attendees will learn about the side of sales they don't see:
  • What sales execs are taught to build trust
  • How a sales organization gathers data & builds leverage
  • How they approach a contract negotiation
  • How sales teams are compensated