Procurecon Indirect West (past event)

September 15 - 17, 2014

Wigwam, Litchfield Park, AZ

Contact Us: 1.888.482.6012

Day 1: Monday, September 15, 2014

06:00 - 07:45 Yoga (pre-registration required)

Location: The Fitness Center (Near The Red Door Spa)

Enjoy a calming yoga session Monday morning. Yoga mats will be provided. Please confirm your attendance to to secure a mat.

07:45 - 08:30 Registration and Breakfast

08:30 - 08:40 Welcome Remarks & Chairperson's Remarks

Deborah Stanton

Managing Director
CAPS Research

08:40 - 09:00 Communicating Up, Down and Sideways (Part 1): A Networking Exercise

To kick off ProcureCon Indirect West, join Doug Spence as he discusses how to get the most out of your conference experience. Doug is a guru on networking and relationship management, whose services are sought after by major corporations around the world and also some of the biggest names in sport to help them manage their sponsorship obligations. This includes the biggest names in soccer including David Beckham, Tennis, Ryder Cup Golf and Formula 1 Grand Prix. “Style Flexibility” is the secret to optimizing relationships and effective networking soft skills that deliver hard results—ignore them at your peril!
Doug Spence, Founder & Managing Partner at Spence Associates

Doug Spence

Founder & Managing Partner
Spence Associates

Chief Negotiating Officer? Chief Business Intelligence Officer? Chief Get S**t Done Officer? As a CPO’s role continues to move from tactical to strategic, it is becoming more imperative that the function is more clearly defined by the CEO or CFO and the enterprise at large. One way to do this is to insert yourself into the conversation and ensure that there is alignment of the enterprise’s cultural appetite and the collective capabilities you need to bring to deliver sustainable value. Judging the “maturity” of the enterprise is often more important than applying a traditional Maturity Model to building one’s procurement organization. This panel will take a deep dive into ways of changing the value of procurement and the approach to gain broader recognition of that value- and even if ‘Procurement’ is still the right word for the role.
Frank Sanders, Director of Corporate Strategic Procurement at Intel Corporation

Frank Sanders

Director of Corporate Strategic Procurement
Intel Corporation

Frederic Khalil, Chief Procurement Officer at The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America

Frederic Khalil

Chief Procurement Officer
The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America

Rubik Babakanian, Senior Vice President and Chief Procurement Officer at Western Digital Corp

Rubik Babakanian

Senior Vice President and Chief Procurement Officer
Western Digital Corp

Annmarie Moran

Director Strategic Sourcing - Marketing Services Category

Deborah Stanton

Managing Director
CAPS Research

09:40 - 10:10 Keynote Presentation: How Technology Is Transforming Procurement

Walter Charles

Global Chief Procurement Officer

10:10 - 10:20 Networking Break and Transition to Working Group Sessions

Group 7


10:20 - 11:25 Concurrent Working Groups For Improving Procurement Operations
Attendees will break into these working group sessions, facilitated by an expert and two procurement practitioners, who will guide the group toward crafting an action plan of five ideas that you can implement immediately to begin getting results back in the office. The results will be reported back to the entire group during the afternoon sessions. Each group is limited to 30 participants to ensure practical takeaways. Choose your working groups at the time of conference registration.
Technology plays a critical role in procurement innovation, by enabling practitioners to focus more on strategy, and less on the day-to-day transactions. The constant firefighting creates chaos and takes away from planning and staying ahead of strategic initiatives. Firefighting may not disappear, but it can be significantly minimized. Get creative during this working group session to find out how to gain competitive advantage by streamlining your operations to keep you thinking strategically, while tending to the tactical things, at the same time.
John Proverbs, Senior Director, Corporate, Indirect and Technology Procurement at KLA-Tencor

John Proverbs

Senior Director, Corporate, Indirect and Technology Procurement

Jamie Lancaster, Vice President Indirect Sourcing at Kroger

Jamie Lancaster

Vice President Indirect Sourcing

Working Group 2

10:20 - 11:25 Harvesting Innovation From Outside the Enterprise
Innovation doesn't always have to mean new and cool; it could be just a new way of doing things to achieve better results. The more you bring your supplier into this process, the more successful your project outcome will be. Building more collaborative relationships with your key suppliers enables you to identify more improvement and innovation opportunities, encourage investment, and improve execution and success rates. Discuss how to further develop your relationships with your suppliers to extract innovation from your supply base, with the ultimate goal of having your suppliers want to be a part of your innovation processes.
  • Overcoming ‘traditional’ buyer-supplier attitudes and perceptions of limited information sharing, trust, capabilities and understanding of partner needs
  • Developing a preferred relationship with your key suppliers
  • How deeply and how early in the development process can you have your suppliers involved? What’s best practice, what are the constraints, how do you ensure your suppliers follow your corporate protocol?
  • How do you manage your supplier engagements in practice: how do you receive supplier ideas, how are other functions engaged, how do you staff the project team? How do you liaise between the supplier and the internal departments?
Frank Sanders, Director of Corporate Strategic Procurement at Intel Corporation

Frank Sanders

Director of Corporate Strategic Procurement
Intel Corporation

Mary Lewis, Sourcing Manager at Sprint

Mary Lewis

Sourcing Manager

Working Group 3

10:20 - 11:25 Creative Resource Management: Overcoming Talent Shortages To Build Your Optimal Team
Have your training and recruitment programs kept up with your transformation? Even with the advent of supply chain MBA programs, it’s estimated that graduates will only fill 20% of the openings, clearly indicating a talent shortage in the field. When rising up through the ranks no longer is a guarantee for success, discuss during this working group how to optimize your procurement team, including:
  • Conducting an employee skillset analysis
  • Sharing resources across departments to locate potential future leaders
  • Determining how much spend under management one person should have
  • Ensuring mid/senior level external hires have a clear career trajectory
  • Determining if you’re willing to sacrifice some savings to keep a less-than-ideal team fully staffed
  • Reducing tactical headcount, and increasing “relationship managers”
Quave Burton, VP Global Expense Management at Abercrombie & Fitch

Quave Burton

VP Global Expense Management
Abercrombie & Fitch

Gene Till, Global Category Manager, EPC & Major Equipment at ConocoPhillips

Gene Till

Global Category Manager, EPC & Major Equipment

Working Group 4

10:20 - 11:25 Build Vs. Buy: Assessing Your Company’s Goals and Capabilities To Determine If Outsourcing Can Drive Down Costs and Deliver Efficiencies
  • Achieving value creation and ROI based on what’s outsourced and where
  • Have compliance costs and the dollar’s continued weakness begun eating away at outsourcing’s potential savings?
  • What is the lifecycle of an outsourcing engagement? How does that evolve over time?
  • What is your comfort level in outsourcing sensitive company information?
  • Calculating the true benefit of outsourcing
  • Should outsourcing always be the answer?
  • What do you need to have in place to effectively deploy a BPO?
Nathan Ayres, SVP, CPO & Global Head of Real Estate at FIS

Nathan Ayres

SVP, CPO & Global Head of Real Estate

Neil Schloss

Manager IT and Marketing Procurement
Perdue Farms

Working Group 5

10:20 - 11:25 Aligning Procurement Best Practices Across The Globe
Globalization has helped CPOs source the lowest costs and best values for goods and services, but sometimes, the country’s goals may get in the way of procurement’s goals. Share insight with your peers to improve your global indirect procurement strategies.
  • How do you get started in developing a global strategy across your divisions?
  • How can you best communicate best practices between countries and implement them across the enterprise?
  • What categories are ripe candidates for global sourcing?
Luz Aragon, Head of Indirect Procurement at Leprino Foods Company

Luz Aragon

Head of Indirect Procurement
Leprino Foods Company

Tim Slade

Manager Global Indirect Procurement
Amway International

11:25 - 11:40 Transition to Next Working Group

Group 9


11:40 - 12:45 Working Groups For Mastering Complex Categories
These working group sessions are designed to help you develop strategies for dealing with complex or non-traditional categories that many procurement practitioners are now responsible for. Each group will be facilitated by a category expert and two practitioners, and they will guide the group toward constructing five ideas for tackling these categories and report back the results to the entire group during the afternoon sessions. Each group is limited to 30 participants in order to maximize interactivity.

  • How should the relationship with Marketing be developed?
  • What is important when dealing with marketing, advertising, and communications agencies?
  • Working with the internal marketing team to craft metrics and benchmarking criteria to align goals and achieve agreeable results
  • Identifying what makes procuring marketing services so difficult
Erica Hill, VP of Non Trade Procurement and Support Services at Brown Shoe Company

Erica Hill

VP of Non Trade Procurement and Support Services
Brown Shoe Company

Kathy Kladopoulos, President at The Midas Exchange

Kathy Kladopoulos

The Midas Exchange

  • How to penetrate spend in the legal department
  • Legal process outsourcing
  • Working with legal on contract development and negotiation
  • Determining alternative pricing structures
Dawn Buchanan, Chief Procurement Officer at Digital River

Dawn Buchanan

Chief Procurement Officer
Digital River

Andy Krebs, Legal and Professional Services Strategic Sourcing Manager at Intel Corporation

Andy Krebs

Legal and Professional Services Strategic Sourcing Manager
Intel Corporation

  • Understanding the potential for savings
  • Strategies for working with HR on health and benefits administration
  • Developing a process-based approach for engaging procurement services
  • Showcasing the cost-benefit of procurement controlling the spend
Karen Webley, Senior Manager, Deputy Director Global Supply Management at GlobalFoundries

Karen Webley

Senior Manager, Deputy Director Global Supply Management

Kanita Harris, Global Category Manager- Human Resources at Halliburton

Kanita Harris

Global Category Manager- Human Resources

  • Developing relationships with the IT Stakeholders
  • Understanding IT’s goals and objectives
  • Getting the CIO’s buy in
  • Exploiting your sourcing knowledge to show how it dovetails with their category expertise
  • Managing contracts and tracking savings
Crystal Schoenhals, Director of Indirect Materials at SunPower Corporation

Crystal Schoenhals

Director of Indirect Materials
SunPower Corporation

Andrew Russell, Director Global Indirect Procurement, It at Asurion

Andrew Russell

Director Global Indirect Procurement, It

  • Creating a template for consultant engagement
  • Extracting savings through contract consolidation
  • Getting users to follow procurement’s rules
  • Benchmarking freelance or boutique consulting houses
  • Eliminating redundant fees
  • Establish Terms and Conditions for goods and services

James Haynes

Director, Strategic Sourcing
RJ Reynolds

Jana Kennedy, Executive Director General Procurement at Dell

Jana Kennedy

Executive Director General Procurement

12:45 - 13:45 Networking Lunch

13:45 - 14:35 Working Group Report Backs

The facilitators of each morning working group will each take 6 minutes to present the outcomes from their session.

14:35 - 14:55 Creative Workforce Management: Overcoming The Common Hurdles In Your Talent Management Program

Handling the ins and outs of your company’s workforce program is not always a walk in the park. Effective management calls for expertise and out-of-the-box thinking. This workshop will deliver practical tips and examples on overcoming common hurdles or perceptions encountered in operating a workforce management program.
  • Recognize creative opportunities for designing functional solutions outside the mold.
  • Gain strategic insight for achieving buy-in from all stakeholders within a program.
  • Level the playing field to find the best possible resources.
  • Be confident your workforce program spend is leveraged effectively.

Barry Shields

Sourcing Business Partner, Global Sourcing Services (GSS)

14:55 - 15:30 Networking Break and Opening of The Solutions Zone (Conference Opens To All Attendees)

Each year, procurement practitioners say it’s getting harder and harder to meet savings targets, as most hard savings have been negotiated out in the past 5 years. This session will discuss how to use innovative techniques to succeed in procurement’s most valued metric.
  • Have savings targets become outdated?
  • Forcing savings by building them into the budget
  • Will sharing savings targets encourage better attention to costs?
  • Can cost avoidance ultimately lead to real savings?
  • Using spend visibility and analysis tools to reduce suppliers and capture additional savings
  • Standardizing processes across the enterprise to reduce inefficiencies and capture savings

Greg Tice

Director, Global Indirect Procurement & Payables
Asurion Insurance Services, Inc.

David Rau, Senior Director of Indirect Spend Procurement at US Foods

David Rau

Senior Director of Indirect Spend Procurement
US Foods

Marianne Levandoski, VP Strategic Sourcing and Procurement at LabCorp

Marianne Levandoski

VP Strategic Sourcing and Procurement

Dale S. Rogers

Professor, Logistics & Supply Chain Management
Arizona State University, W.P. Carey School of Business

  • How does new technology impact sourcing and procurement?
  • What can your technology platform do for you?
  • What data will you need, where will it live, and how will you access it?-- Central Data Store? ERP? Best of Breed Application?
  • What are the key features that will drive user adoption?
  • What training and support will be required to get your users on-board?
  • How do you identify the right vendor(s) to provide this technology and help you with adoption?
  • How long should implementation, on-boarding, and adoption take?
  • What metrics will you use for success? And how will you communicate that success?
Joseph Richardson, Manager, Corporate Indirect Procurement (Retired) at FMC Technologies

Joseph Richardson

Manager, Corporate Indirect Procurement (Retired)
FMC Technologies

Frans Barends, Director of Business Services at Georgia Institute Of Technology

Frans Barends

Director of Business Services
Georgia Institute Of Technology

Stephen Sinnott

Purchasing Operations Manager
Caesars Entertainment

Michael Shaw

Founder & Board Member
American Council of Sourcing and Procurement Executives

Track A: Procurement Process

16:10 - 16:40 How To Build A Successful Strategic Sourcing Organization From The Ground Up In Turbulent Times
If you have a mature Strategic Sourcing Organization or are just beginning to build one, learn how to create maximum savings value for your organization:
  • Creating a value statement for the CEO/CFO –selling the solution
  • Gaining organizational acceptance--breaking down the maverick behavior
  • Building the team—hiring true Sourcing professionals
  • Training the organization of the philosophy of strategic sourcing and Sourcing levers
  • Building and defining a global team—cultural challenges
  • Defining savings methodology and gaining organizational acceptance The score of the game
  • Purchasing tools and technology—where to start
  • Data analysis and gathering
  • Getting the message out to the organization
  • Tracking success and publishing results
Peter Manni, Vice President-Global Strategic Sourcing at PTC

Peter Manni

Vice President-Global Strategic Sourcing

Track B: Procurement Technology

16:10 - 16:40 Integrating Social Tools Into The Procurement Process
  • Practical examples of how social can make global supply chain management more effective
  • Best practices for structuring an internal social network
  • Sharing data about suppliers with other users and buyers
  • Connecting with other software users for real-time help and collaboration in performing processes
Curtis McEntire, Founder & President, Mazree & Senior Manager, Supply Chain Solutions at Intermountain Healthcare

Curtis McEntire

Founder & President, Mazree & Senior Manager, Supply Chain Solutions
Intermountain Healthcare

Track A: Procurement Process

16:40 - 17:00 Fact Or Fiction: What You Need To Know NOW About Supplier Agreements & Your Meetings
CWT Meetings & Events expert, Lisa English, discusses the Fact & Fiction of meeting related supplier agreements. Gain insight to the realities of contract volumes, supplier paper vs. corporate templates and comprehensive contracting strategy.

Lisa English, Managing Director at Carlson Wagonlit Travel

Lisa English

Managing Director
Carlson Wagonlit Travel

Track B: Procurement Technology

16:40 - 17:00 Three Leading Procurement Challenges & Best Practices to Resolve Them
Tyranny of the Tactical
  • How to aggressively limit tactical activities in order to free up capacity to drive high value strategies.
Ugly Spend Data
  • How to fix a broken data supply chain.
Sourcing Accomplished…Now What?
  • How to develop advanced category management strategies focused on savings measurement

Tom Beaty, President and Chief Executive Officer at Insight Sourcing Group

Tom Beaty

President and Chief Executive Officer
Insight Sourcing Group

After a busy day of active listening, keynotes and networking, take control of your own event experience. This is your opportunity to network with industry peers with very similar challenges, interests and responsibilities as you discuss niche topics in a small group setting facilitated by a subject matter expert. After 30 minutes, you will be able to choose a second topic to participate in.

Table 1: Creative Workforce Management: Overcoming the Common Hurdles in Your Talent Management Program
Hosted by: Barry Shields, Sourcing Business Partner, Global Sourcing Services (GSS), NetApp, Inc.

Table 2: Fact Or Fiction: What You Need To Know NOW About Supplier Agreements & Your Meetings
Hosted by: Lisa English, Managing Director, Carlson Wagonlit Travel

Table 3: Tail Spend Management
Hosted by: Sam Mathur, Senior Director Services Procurement, Agile•1

Table 4: Putting Energy Into Your Energy Procurement
Hosted by: Maria Murphy, Schneider Electric Energy & Sustainability Services

Table 5: CapEx Strategies: What You’re Buying Today Didn’t Exist Yesterday
Hosted by: Craig Demarest, Senior Director, Chief of Procurement, RJ Reynolds

Table 6: In-Depth: How Technology Is Changing Procurement
Hosted by: Walter Charles, Global CPO, Kraft Foods

Table 7: Tackling Inefficiencies In MRO Spend
Hosted by: Brad Cook, Director of Purchasing, Indirect & Ammunition, Remington Arms

Table 8: Three Leading Procurement Challenges & Best Practices to Resolve Them
Hosted by: Tom Beaty, Chief Executive Officer, Insight Sourcing Group

Table 9: Strategies for Achieving Supplier Diversity Mandates
Hosted by: Mary Lewis, Sourcing Manager, Sprint

Table 10: Procurement’s Role in M&A
Hosted by: Jeff Danis, Vice President Supply Chain, Pinnacle Entertainment

Table 11: Procurement As A Shared Service
Hosted by: Kevin Chihak, Senior Buyer, PetSmart
Greg Modlinski, Director, Corporate Procurement, Kohler Company

Table 12: P2P Transformation
Hosted by: Michelle Hawkins, Vice President Procurement, Charter Communications
Craig Demarest, Senior Director, Chief of Procurement at RJ Reynolds

Craig Demarest

Senior Director, Chief of Procurement
RJ Reynolds

Tom Beaty, President and Chief Executive Officer at Insight Sourcing Group

Tom Beaty

President and Chief Executive Officer
Insight Sourcing Group

Greg Modlinski, Director, Corporate Procurement at Kohler Company

Greg Modlinski

Director, Corporate Procurement
Kohler Company

Jeff Danis, Vice President of Strategic Sourcing at Pinnacle Entertainment Inc

Jeff Danis

Vice President of Strategic Sourcing
Pinnacle Entertainment Inc

Michelle Hawkins, Vice President Procurement at Charter Communications, Inc.

Michelle Hawkins

Vice President Procurement
Charter Communications, Inc.

Bradley James Cook

Director of Purchasing, Indirect & Ammunition
Remington Arms

Mary Lewis, Sourcing Manager at Sprint

Mary Lewis

Sourcing Manager

Maria Murphy

Client Manager
Schneider Electric

Walter Charles

Global Chief Procurement Officer

Sam Mathur

Senior Director Services Procurement

Kevin Chihak

Senior Buyer

Lisa English, Managing Director at Carlson Wagonlit Travel

Lisa English

Managing Director
Carlson Wagonlit Travel

Barry Shields

Sourcing Business Partner, Global Sourcing Services (GSS)

18:00 - 08:40 Welcome Reception In The Solutions Zone Hosted by The Midas Exchange, A WPP Company Powered by GroupM