Procurecon Indirect West (past event)

September 15 - 17, 2014

Wigwam, Litchfield Park, AZ

Contact Us: 1.888.482.6012

Stephen Sinnott

Purchasing Operations Manager
Caesars Entertainment

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Stephen.

Download The Latest Agenda

Day 1: Monday, September 15, 2014

Monday, March 9th, 2015

15:30 Panel Discussion: Increasing User Adoption In Your Technology Platforms to Unlock Value

  • How does new technology impact sourcing and procurement?
  • What can your technology platform do for you?
  • What data will you need, where will it live, and how will you access it?-- Central Data Store? ERP? Best of Breed Application?
  • What are the key features that will drive user adoption?
  • What training and support will be required to get your users on-board?
  • How do you identify the right vendor(s) to provide this technology and help you with adoption?
  • How long should implementation, on-boarding, and adoption take?
  • What metrics will you use for success? And how will you communicate that success?

Day 2: Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Thursday, April 9th, 2015

10:15 Drive Continuous Value to Your Procurement Organization

Procurement has evolved drastically in recent years, becoming far more strategic. A key enabler of this transformation has been technology, driven by business networks and integrated solutions, which have freed capacity for higher level work. Hear from Caesars Entertainment about how they implemented strategic source-to-pay processes to drive more value aligned to their companies' strategic objectives. And keep your organizational momentum with truly integrated processes for spend management.