Procurecon Indirect West (past event)

September 15 - 17, 2014

Wigwam, Litchfield Park, AZ

Contact Us: 1.888.482.6012

Frederic Khalil, Chief Procurement Officer at The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America
The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America Logo

Frederic Khalil

Chief Procurement Officer
The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Frederic.

Download The Latest Agenda

Day 1: Monday, September 15, 2014

Monday, March 9th, 2015

09:00 Panel: Redefining Procurement’s Role In Today’s Enterprise – What Really Matters?

Chief Negotiating Officer? Chief Business Intelligence Officer? Chief Get S**t Done Officer? As a CPO’s role continues to move from tactical to strategic, it is becoming more imperative that the function is more clearly defined by the CEO or CFO and the enterprise at large. One way to do this is to insert yourself into the conversation and ensure that there is alignment of the enterprise’s cultural appetite and the collective capabilities you need to bring to deliver sustainable value. Judging the “maturity” of the enterprise is often more important than applying a traditional Maturity Model to building one’s procurement organization. This panel will take a deep dive into ways of changing the value of procurement and the approach to gain broader recognition of that value- and even if ‘Procurement’ is still the right word for the role.

Day 2: Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Thursday, April 9th, 2015

16:45 Session 5: Making The Next CPO: Constructing A Professional Development Program To Attract, Motivate And Retain Junior Talent (continued)

How does a company nurture future leadership and establish a CPO? An ideal professional development program should be designed not just to motivate your team, but also to retain them to eventually move into leadership roles. Junior level positions are only now held for an average of 2.5 years and automation and technology have altered the skillsets needed for junior talent, making the costs of training and retaining future leaders even more valuable. How can you motivate, challenge and inspire young talent and nourish them to deliver breakthrough performance?
• What does the supply chain profession look like for young talent coming out of the best schools?
• What does an ideal procurement or supply chain internship program look like?
• Should we even change our interviewing skills?
• Talent recruitment is now global: What unique talent recruitment challenges exist?
• Motivation strategies for navigating an often slow moving corporate culture
• KPI and performance measurement
• How to identify potential high performers and groom them

17:25 Session 5: Making The Next CPO: Constructing A Professional Development Program To Attract, Motivate And Retain Junior Talent (continued)

How does a company nurture future leadership and establish a CPO? An ideal professional development program should be designed not just to motivate your team, but also to retain them to eventually move into leadership roles. Junior level positions are only now held for an average of 2.5 years and automation and technology have altered the skillsets needed for junior talent, making the costs of training and retaining future leaders even more valuable. How can you motivate, challenge and inspire young talent and nourish them to deliver breakthrough performance?
• What does the supply chain profession look like for young talent coming out of the best schools?
• What does an ideal procurement or supply chain internship program look like?
• Should we even change our interviewing skills?
• Talent recruitment is now global: What unique talent recruitment challenges exist?
• Motivation strategies for navigating an often slow moving corporate culture
• KPI and performance measurement
• How to identify potential high performers and groom them