Procurecon Indirect West (past event)

September 15 - 17, 2014

Wigwam, Litchfield Park, AZ

Contact Us: 1.888.482.6012

Michael Shaw

Founder & Board Member
American Council of Sourcing and Procurement Executives

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Michael.

Download The Latest Agenda

Day 1: Monday, September 15, 2014

Monday, March 9th, 2015

15:30 Panel Discussion: Increasing User Adoption In Your Technology Platforms to Unlock Value

  • How does new technology impact sourcing and procurement?
  • What can your technology platform do for you?
  • What data will you need, where will it live, and how will you access it?-- Central Data Store? ERP? Best of Breed Application?
  • What are the key features that will drive user adoption?
  • What training and support will be required to get your users on-board?
  • How do you identify the right vendor(s) to provide this technology and help you with adoption?
  • How long should implementation, on-boarding, and adoption take?
  • What metrics will you use for success? And how will you communicate that success?

Day 3: Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Saturday, May 9th, 2015

09:10 Panel Discussion: A Holistic Approach To Responsible Sourcing

Going green, sustainability, socio-economic issues and global laws and regulations is making it more critical for companies to better managing ethical, political and environmental risk. The need to be aware of controversy, and avoid fines and criminal sentences is more important than ever. The panel discusses:
  • What is responsible sourcing, how it’s measured, and how it should be measured?
  • The rapidly changing regulatory environment such as conflict minerals, global bribery acts, etc., their impact on the supply chain, and the tools and processes you can use to develop effective and flexible risk mitigation procedures
  • The socio-economic issues such as labor conditions and human rights that are under fire, how to handle potential weak links in your supply base that might damage your reputation, and also the steps that you can take as a procurement practitioner to manage these potential risks
  • Determining what materials in your packaging or product manufacturing processes can “go green,” and ensuring your key suppliers are brought in line with your goals
  • Creating a roadmap and planning for continuous improvement
  • Complying with global environmental concerns such as deforestation, palm oil, and animal habitats

11:00 Innovation In Supplier Relationship Management: How Key Suppliers Drive Your Company’s Competitive Advantage

Beating up your critical suppliers over price and making unilateral demands are two sure ways to lose their business. But how can you collaborate with your suppliers to gain competitive advantage? Procurement is the bridge between the outside world and the enterprise, and here’s your chance to develop relationships that will grow your company’s revenue and profit.
  • Pursuing most favored-status with critical suppliers capable of building competitive advantage
  • Increasing suppliers’ margins
  • Giving your critical suppliers a seat at the table
  • Creating and extracting extra value from suppliers- How to really do it
  • Employing proper performance management and evaluation strategies
  • Creating a shared services function to leverage spend and ensure only one person or team is negotiating with your suppliers